Posts Tagged ‘spirits’

If you are an avid viewer of Ghost Adventures and Most Haunted then it would be fair to assume that paranormal investigating is full of frights and jumps every night. If you also watch these shows you would also think that we get scratched and catch full body apparitions on camera on a regular basis. However, you would be wrong.  These shows are created for entertainment purposes and to give the viewer a cheap scare. Not saying I don’t, love these shows, cause I do, but I am now fully aware that a lot of hours of filming go into one 45 minute long show.

When I first started doing investigations I was pretty scared, I’m not gonna lie. I expected spirits to whisper in my ear, to be pushed, scratched and intimidated. Maybe I haven’t been to the right places yet, but so far I haven’t experienced this. What I have experienced can’t be explained. What I have experienced is so subtle that a camera crew would not be able to capture it. Spirit does not have to be aggressive and obvious to be noticed. When you walk into a building and you suddenly cannot breath as the air and atmosphere is thick, how would a TV show convey this? When your heart starts pounding because you feel yourself being stared down by someone or something you cannot see, how would a TV show convey this? The majority of interaction with spirits can not be seen, only felt.

One thing we always mention to our guests at the beginning of investigations is that sometimes we might not get any communication at all. That is OK. Spirits are not performing monkeys, hanging out in buildings waiting for our beck and call. One thing that genuine paranormal groups will never do is fake evidence. We would rather the guests go away and think the night was ‘boring’ that make accusations that a group is faking activity. Paranormal groups strive off of their reputations and a cheap thrill will never come before integrity. So if your night with a local paranormal group DIDN’T seem like an episode of Most Haunted then I would say stick with that group, as sooner or later you never know what you might encounter, at least you know it wasn’t faked.

The paranormal industry is becoming saturated with people trying to get their five minutes of fame by releasing a video full of cheap jumps and obvious scare tactics that genuine videos of subtle paranormal evidence are getting overlooked. I have realised that something doesn’t have to jump out at you to show you it is there, if a spirit can communicate through a flickering light or by changing the atmosphere in the room then I am satisfied with the investigation.

Being told that you are going to be investigating 30 East Drive certainly stirs the emotions. I was so excited, I was getting to be a team member with Ghostly Goings On, and I was also scared, the house has a reputation for being terrifying. I was being thrown in at the deep end and I loved it.
My application form for the role of paranormal investigator with my local paranormal group had been shortlisted and I was to participate in some investigations to see if I was cut out to do this job. I had put the pressure on to rise to the challenge, I wanted to do a good job for the team and I wanted to prove to myself I could do this.

So on the 28th of September Becky, Simon and myself headed to Pontefract, in West Yorkshire, to head to the infamous 30 East Drive. I learned all about previous events at the house and the resident spirit Fred. People had been touched, people had seen dark shadows and people had heard voices. We were going to be sleeping over and I was told that previously other team members had their air beds lifted off the floor and someone’s belt, that was on the other side of the room, started to jangle. I was starting to crap myself a little, i’m not gonna lie.

We got to the house at about 6.15pm and as we entered we said hello to ‘Fred’ (I wasn’t going to risk disrespecting an angry spirit). We started to set up the equipment as the 9 other guests would be arriving at 8pm and Becky and Simon gave me a walk through of the house. These were some of the pictures I took.


When you first walk in there is a certain smell, it smells old and the decor is very dated which I think adds to the ambiance of the house. But one thing I cannot explain is the feeling as you walk upstairs, the weight of the house sweeps over you, it feels like you are wading through deep water.  The atmosphere is heavy and oppressive, it is as if the air is thick with energy.

The guests started arriving at 8pm and we started the investigation at 8.30pm. We all congregated in the living room and set up various equipment around the lower part of the house. We put a 360 parascope in the dining room, which is a light activated static electricity meter (I think that is the technical description), and some light activated motion sensors in the hallway. While we were all sat in the living room, willing the spirits to make their presence known, the motion sensor lights would come on in the hall wall and the 360 parascope would start to light up in various shades of reds, greens and blues.

Some guests could see a dark shadow in the dining room right by where the parascope was detecting static electricity, and one lady felt like her face was burning (which has been a common response to the spirits in the house).

We went up into one of the bedrooms and tried to call out the spirits with the help of an p-sb7 box and an Alice Box app. The p-sb7 box scans through radio frequencies at high speed and spirits can use this to talk through. The Alice box is a programme that allows spirits to select words from a database in response to your questions.

When we were in the bedroom with the double bed on of the guests called Kat called out to fred ‘Come on Fred, show us what you got,’ and the Alice Box spelled out Dog. Then Kat said ‘Oi Fred, are you calling me a dog?’ and another piece of equipment called the Echovox (which uses a database of phonemes to audibly respond to questions) replied ‘Woof.’ Everyone in the room laughed so much, it was hilarious to see such a calculated and witty response and all the equipment coincided with each other.

People also reported getting touched my unseen forces, many guests had their head tickled or their back poked and there was many cold spots throughout the evening. I know from speaking to the other two investigators and guests that have been to 30 East Drive before, that this was a relatively quiet night in terms of activity. Well, if this was a quiet night I can’t image how active the other nights must be.

I had an amazing time at 30 East Drive and I can’t wait to participate in another investigation and I hope we get even more evidence.

This experience is from Paul Green – Author, Radio Presenter and Psychic Medium. 



I have come across many examples of problems at homes and work places during my mediumship career so far, but a few stands out from the rest, either due to the peculiarity of the activity or the reasons behind it. The first example starts with a tale of me being tracked down that is almost as interesting as the story of the haunting. I used to get collected on a regular basis by the same taxi driver after attending bike club meetings; on the journey to my home, we would chat about this and that but over the months, she learned about my “sideline” as a psychic medium. The conversations would often turn to my gift, nothing remarkable about that until much later in my life. I had moved into my present home and had not encountered this woman since moving, she had changed cab companies and I for various reasons ceased to go to the pub as regularly as i had used to.

It was a great surprise one morning to answer a ring on my doorbell to find her standing on my doorstep. At first I assumed she was simply at the wrong address but then she began asking if I “still did the spooky stuff”. Confirming I did still do “spooky stuff” she asked if I could help out a friend.  It appeared she had somehow tracked me down through a series of links and friends of friends even though I had moved 2 years ago. Once I was over the surprise, I listened to her tale.

A friend of hers was so afraid of the activity in her home she was spending all day wandering the local park or town centre until she had to return home to collect the children from school. After finding out a bit more about the situation, I agreed to visit the house but first I called a fellow medium to sort out a time and date we could both go. In cases such as this, it is normal for mediums to work in pairs, simply as an insurance in case either one is badly effected by any energies encountered.

The day come and we both met outside the address given, it was a typical end terrace house with a nice view over a local park. Upon ringing the bell, we were greeted by a tallish woman with very short hair. Without having to use any psychic sense, you could see the worry etched on her face, the medium accompanying me, a woman called Helen, works differently from me.

Helen always stops on the doorsteps of a home and asks any energy within permission to enter, while I, with my typical “in your face style” charge in with attitude written all over me, once inside we found a group consisting of the woman who had greeted us, her partner from a civil partnership and our mutual friend the taxi driver, as always, i asked that they told us nothing except any areas in the home they do not wish us to go.

I always ask this, as I never forget that we are in someone’s home, in this case, we were given a free reign to go where we wanted. Helen and I at the same time instinctively went upstairs.  As I took the lead, we started to climb the stairs. We encountered an elderly spirit man who attempted to block our path but I insisted he move aside.

I have no idea why he wanted to block us other then maybe he already felt that some “strange people” had already invaded his home and we were just another example. At the top of the stairs on the landing was a bookcase, which we later learned that this man used to move the books around on, this was just one of the ways he was attempting to make his presence known to the rest of the household. Helen and I also discovered that this chap used to like to hover on the step leading into the toilet; he felt he could see most of the coming and going from there. However, apart from this man there were no other spirit energies around i felt sure we had found the source of the problems. Neverless, we still needed to complete our tour of the house to be sure, so Helen and i descended back down to the ground level, this time with Helen taking the lead. She was drawn into a small room at the bottom of the stairs that appeared to be used now as a room to cope with the usual “overspill” of any family. While she went into that room, I popped my head into the front family room; there was nothing really of interest from a mediumship point of view so after a few minutes I returned to the hallway. Helen was stood inside the small room at the bottom of the stairs, she was rooted to the spot and appeared to have some problems breathing. Her breath was coming in short rasping gasps so I wasted no time and simply grabbed her by the collar and dragged her out, sometimes the solution to a paranormal problem does not have to be mystical. She told me that the stench of pipe tobacco and the feeling of being short of breath had been overwhelming in that room.

Once she had recovered we as a pair ventured back into the room, we were greeted by the same old chap we met on the stairs, he then started to talk to us. He was called Charles, not Charlie but Charles, he was very insistent of that. He told us that when he and his wife were both alive moved to Blyth as he was taking up a job at “the docks”, I could not quite gather if this meant Blyth port or the shipyard that used to be there.

He said he was employed as some sort of draughtsman but he was not from the northeast and had moved into the area to take up this job. He was most definitely an in charge style of man and yet very reserved, he did not mix well and he seemed to have a low opinion of the people he worked with in Blyth, therefore, his life while alive revolved around him, his wife and the house we were standing in.

All was well until to his absolute disgust, his wife “died on him”, even as he communicated with us, you could clearly sense the utter bewilderment and loss he felt at the death of his wife. He felt totally abandoned and really did not have the skills to care for himself. As he aged he ended up living, sleeping, eating and existing in the room we were in, the same room Helen had experienced the breathing problems.

As we started to understand and have empathy with this man, he began to ask questions of us. This led us to begin to understand the reason for the recent paranormal activity that had so terrified the present homeowner.  He preferred to address his questions to me for no other reason than the fact i was male. For many years after his death he claimed he liked to pop back to the house, but until now he had not attempted to make his presence known, being happy just to draw comfort from revisiting his home. It seems that what prompted him now to try and get attention was his complete and utter lack of comprehension on the situation.

In short, when the two life partners “married” and moved in together, it seemed he felt he had to make himself known, he was unhappy and did not understand the situation or approve. Even from beyond the grave often we find that people’s personalities do not change, he turned out to be a nice enough guy, but was just bewildered by the situation. Once i explained how upsetting his activities were to the occupants his attitude changed. He had never intended to scare anyone, he simply wanted some answers, in addition, I pointed out that if any of the children living in the property came across any of his activities it would be scary for them.

He was most apologetic and concerned, we reached an agreement that he would still pop back in and see this old home but the visits would be not made ‘public so to speak. After a little more chat and even him asking for assurances that I was not playing a practical joke on him regarding the two women being married, he left the room and house. Helen and I spent a little more time checking there were no other spirit people in the home then we did a standard cleansing of the whole house and added some layers of protection to it. We joined the rest of the people in the kitchen and over a coffee we learned some more of the experiences and events that had caused so much concern.

The owner told of finding the same kitchen chair over turned every time she left the room, no matter if it was for 2 minutes or overnight, it looked as if someone had taken the time to place it in that position rather then it falling or being pushed over. She showed us scrawls using crayons that had appeared overnight on sheets of paper left in a locked room, they started to leave these sheets out because the walls and table tops were being scratched or drawn on. Most of the attempted were just lines or meaningless scratching but some appeared to be crude attempts at forming letter and words, after some more advice Helen and I left the house and to date there has been no further problems with the ex-owner who i feel sure even now is not totally convinced that the whole thing is not the Geordies winding up an outsider.



Today i was lucky enough to be announced as the winner of this beautiful spirited doll called Bobbie. I entered a competition with this week and the terms were – You donate £1 to the Animal Defenders International and everyone’s name gets entered into a draw.

Well i am the lucky winner and i should be expecting her within the next few days. I am really excited, i have a very positive vibe from this doll and i cant wait to welcome her in.

This is my first ever spirited doll and i don’t know what to expect, but i will keep everyone informed through my blog, maybe make some videos too.

Have a fantastic weekend!


dollisland3 dollisland2dollisland

Dolls can be creepy for a number of reasons, the lifeless eyes, the knowing smile, or the outstretched limbs that seem to be calling out to you. But nothing is creepier than the Island of the Dolls in Isla de las Munecas – 17 miles south of Mexico City, Mexico.

A little girl died in the canals nearby, so to honour her memory, people started to leave dolls for the spirit of the girl. Over time hundreds of dolls, some severed and tied from that neck, have been placed around the island.

The island is in fact a floating garden, known as a chinampa, which belonged to a man named Julian Santana Barrera, a hermit who lived isolated on the canal. 

The creepy creation was discovered in the 1990s when the local council started clearing up the canal, since then the garden has been a popular tourist spot for people seeking the strange and unusual.

Mr Santana Barrera created the terrifying island in dedication of a little girl whose dead body he found floating in the canal near his home.

A few days later he discovered a small doll found in the same spot where the girl’s body was found, the believed her spirit was inside the doll. He hung the doll to the tree in her honour.

Over time he would collect dolls from rubbish tips and severed limbs from scrap piles to add to the shrine of the little girl. When locals found out about this island, Mr Santana Barrera became a bit of a celebrity and people would bring him dolls to add to the collection.

Bizarrely, in 2001 he was found dead in the canal, from drowning, in the exact spot where the little girl’s body had been found.

It would be interesting to see if such a small island, with such unusual objects and circumstances, would be haunted. I would personally love to visit Mexico and visit the Island. Maybe one day i could add a doll to the collection.

If anyone knows of any paranormal activity or investigations that have taken place here, please let me know!!

The problem with 99% of paranormal stories and urban legends you read about is that they can all be debunked or are called out for being a hoax. So, it is so exciting to finally get a story, which to this day, has everyone wondering ‘What the hell happened?.’

This is the story of Don Decker aka Rain Boy. It all began in February of 1983. Don, 21 years old from Pennsylvania, was serving a short 4 – 12 month prison sentence for receiving stolen goods, he was granted a furlong to attend the funeral of his Grandfather James Kishaugh. However, what no one knew was that Don has been abused by his grandfather as a child and lived with this burden his entire life.

Don hoped he could move on, “No other part of the family knew anything about what happened, and it was like good fighting evil. The evil was gone and I was hoping, you know, that everything would change.”

After the funeral, Don decided to spend the night with his friends, Bob and Jeannie Keiffer. That is when the unexplained began to happen.  While at the Keiffer’s home he started to feel a bit uneasy and he started to get a deep chill. Suddenly, all around him, water began to drip from the living room walls while the Keiffers noticed Don fall into a strange, trance-like state.  The Keiffers notified the landlord, Ron Van Why. When Ron and his wife arrived, he was just as puzzled by the problem as the Keiffers.

“We’d decided maybe it was the plumbing, but there were no pipes in the front end of the house to leak. There was basically nothing there that the water could have come from.” 
After watching it for a while, I discovered that it wasn’t only coming from the ceiling down. It could come from the wall over or from the floor up. There was no basic direction that it was coming from. It could come from anywhere.”

They then decided it was time to phone the police. Patrolman Richard Wolbert arrived at the scene and couldn’t explain what what happening.

Officer Wolbert recalled the moment he met Don. ‘Trust me, trust me, just walk into the house,’ Don said. I walked in the door and he came right in behind me. And I couldn’t get two steps inside the door and I was absolutely pelted.

Not only was it raining inside, the water drops also defied physics.

“We were standing just inside the front door and met this droplet of water traveling horizontally. It passed between us and just traveled out into the next room.”

Another Officer John Baujan arrived at the scene and was terrified that he was witnessing things, that in reality, he shouldn’t be witnessing. The police decided to make some reports about the incident and the Keiffers and Don decided to grab some food at the diner that is across the street from them. Ron and his wife decided to stay at the house, but as the other three left for the diner, the rain immediately stopped.

That is when things got even more weird.

The owner of the restaurant, Pam Scrofano, noticed something strange about Don as he sat down to eat with the Keiffers; she thought he was possessed.

“You looked at Donny and he was like in a trance. He would look at you, but not knowing you were there. I said to Jeannie, ‘He’s got to be possessed.’  We’re sitting there. Couple of seconds later, there’s water all over the pizzeria, too. I’ve never seen anything like that happen. I went in the cash register, I had a crucifix there, I took it out, put it on him. And the minute I put it on him and it touched his skin, he got burned. There’s no way that anybody could have played a joke like that. This was real. Donny was doing it himself. He was doing it without realizing he was doing it.

Don now realised that everything that had happened in the house, and now in the restaurant, was because of him. But WHY was this happening? No one knew.

Back at the Keiffer’s house the landlords wife confronted Don and blamed him for everything that was going on. At that moment, everything in the house started rattling, pots and pans in the kitchen were banging together, like an earthquake, except there was no earthquake.

Don suddenly levitated off the ground. He was just floating. Everyone was terrified and no one could explain a thing. Don recalls that frightening moment. ”

I was just like floating. Then it was like a push. It wasn’t like somebody taking their hand and pushing me. It was like feeling it all over your body at once. I’m a big guy, you know, I’ve always been assertive, and that made me felt like a newborn. You know, I’m scared right now just talking about it, really.”

A few hours later the two officers arrived back at the house with their Chief. Officer Baujan explains what happened.

“When the chief got to the house, he was pelted with water just as Rich and I were. I got the impression that he was put on the spot, maybe a little bit embarrassed, like we expected something out of him that he could answer. There was no way to explain what happened. I think he was put in a position where he might have felt a little uncomfortable.”

The Chief just told the officers it was nothing more than a leaky pipe and no report was ever created about the incident. The Chief told them to not talk about it ever again, Officer Baujan was told to forget about what he had saw, but this was impossible.

The next day, three officers ignored the orders of the police chief. They went to the Keiffer home to continue their investigation. One of the officers was Bill Davies:

“We’re standing there and I gave Mr. Decker this gold cross to hold. Next thing he says, ‘It’s burning my hands.’ And there’s no explanation for it. When you picked it up, when you grabbed it, it’s not hot-hot, but it’s hot and I held onto it.”

Don also once again levitated off the floor. Lt. John Rundle said he witnessed it:

“All of a sudden, he lifted up off the ground and he flew across the room with the force as though a bus had hit him. There were three claw marks on the side of his neck, which drew blood. I have no answer for it whatsoever. And, I just draw a blank, even today.”

Officer Bill Davies was also at a loss:

“I’ve been a cop 40 years and I’ve never seen anything like this, never. There’s always an explanation when something happens.  If you gotta investigate, you come up with something. This is why it happened. For this case, there is no explanation.”

Finally, on the third night, Ron Van Why asked a preacher to come to the house and try an exorcism. Every Protestant minister and Catholic priest in Stroudsburg had turned Ron down.  Ron explained what he saw:

“As she started to pray, Donny went into a convulsion. He started to shake. He pulled himself up into like a ball and the longer she prayed, he started to relax, then. By the time she got done praying, the water was gone.  And that was the last that we saw any water at the house at all.”

The mysterious rain was gone and Don Decker appeared to return to his old self.  But the change was only temporary. After his furlough, Don returned to jail. Within a few days, the mysterious rain returned, this time, in the jail.

“They put me in a maximum security cell. I was in there with another inmate. And I was thinking I should make it rain in here. And all of a sudden, water started coming out of the concrete floor, and at that point, I thought, ‘I can do stuff.’”

According to Don, he now realized he could control the rain, at will. A sceptical guard challenged him to make it rain in Warden Dave Keenhold’s office. Warden Keenhold recalled:

“I was sitting at the desk, writing a report. I was all by myself in the administration area. Nobody else was around. It was approximately 8:00 in the evening. At the time, I didn’t feel anything, but my shirt was drooping down.”

An officer entered and told Warden Keenhold to look at his shirt:

“And right about the center of my sternum, about four inches long, two inches wide, I was just saturated with water. I was startled. I was scared. The officer was frightened at that particular time, and I just didn’t have an explanation why it happened.”

The Warden called in the Rev. William Blackburn:

“All of a sudden, I received this frantic call from a sergeant in the jail. And he said, ‘Can you come over? We need you. We need your help.’ So he brought this very meek and mild-mannered young man into the room. And he was asking for my help.”

Don told the Reverend that he could make it rain and that crosses placed on his body burned. According to the Reverend Blackburn, he told Don to admit that he was just making things up, then:

“All of a sudden his demeanor changed and this smell came into the room. Nurses and doctors, medical people, say when you walk into a room where someone is dying with a cancer or something, usually there’s a smell. You can tell when you walk in the room. I smelled a smell like that multiplied five times at least. Evil, foreboding. He raised his hand and rubbed his fingers together. And all of a sudden, it started to rain. It was like the devil’s rain. It was a mist. I was in the presence of evil. I opened up the Bible and started to read to him. But the pages never got wet. So help me, it was a frightening thing. 
I think I was praying more for me than him. I prayed, and it was only a brief period, and the rain stopped.”

Rev. Blackburn said he noticed a sudden change in Don as well:

“He subsided and you could feel a peace. He said thank you. He got tears in his eyes. We hugged and prayed together. He was possessed. There was no doubt in my mind. There’s no way a human could do what he did in that room. There’s no way that he did anything, but what he did was spiritual, and it wasn’t of God. Guaranteed, it was not of God.”

Don Decker said that he feels like the bizarre occurrences won’t happen again:

“Well it’s over. It hasn’t happened again. Basically, I’m just hoping that it never will, and I just, you know, go day by day. And as for my grandfather, I think what had happened was his doing. Because he abused me when I was young, he got a chance to abuse me again.”

Chip Decker, no relation to Don, and Peter Jordan are the main paranormal researchers on this case. Chip was impressed with the eye-witness accounts:

“I think what makes this case very unique is that all of the witnesses are so credible. We’re dealing with very good, well-seasoned police officers that were obviously rather frightened and shaken by this, but also had the powers of observation.”

Peter Jordan:

“The Donald Decker case is by far the singularly most fascinating and important case I have ever personally been involved in. That does not mean I believe that it necessarily is proof positive to me of demonic infestation. But it is the case, in my own personal experience up to this point, that comes the closest to that hypothesis.”

In all, nine eyewitnesses, plus Don himself, were willing to go on record saying they saw, heard, and felt phenomena apparently not of this world. And they continue to believe Don was possessed by the devil. They have found no other explanation for the bizarre events.







I was/am supposed to be investigating a house in Bristol on the 18th of February that has had extreme paranormal activity. The owner has had objects move around the house, noises and bangs, and a friend who was staying over even saw a little girl appear at the bottom of her bed. 

Unfortunately since we arranged to do the investigation the owner has witnessed increased activity and is now thinking of cancelling as she is worried that i may antagonise the spirits. 

I hope this goes ahead as i am really excited!

Ever since i was a young girl i suffered from depression. I felt alone, confused, anxious and nervous. I felt like i was living in a bubble and everything around me was going slow motion and i felt like i had no idea where i was heading.

Religion has never played a part in my life, i never believed in the idea of a sole being controlling the entire world, i also didn’t believe in a lot of the bible’s ideologies. However i always thought the idea was reassuring, the idea that ‘all will be ok, you are being watched over by God/Allah/Krishna’ (Insert god of choice here).

I knew deep down there was more to the world than just what we can see or hear or what can be explained with science. I have gut feelings and i can sense negative vibes, sometimes i feel like i have a better connection with children and animals. None of this made sense to me until i had a reading done by a Clairvoyant Medium called Sharon.

She explained to me that i am a lightworker, lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. When lightworkers forget their true identity and purpose, they feel lost and afraid.  Sharon explained that i have a strong connection with animals and that i have healing hands. I have always been someone that likes to massage people and stroke them to send love, this all made so much sense.

She explained that as a lightworker you are more sensitive to people and their energy, you intuitively know if someone is feeling down or troubled, even if they don’t admit it. I was then invited to come along to fortnightly meditation sessions so help open myself up spiritually, and i can honestly say i have never been happier.

Since meditating my sleep has become better, i spent years suffering from insomnia, now i sleep straight for at least 7 hours. My anxiety has pretty much disappeared, where as i used to get a knot in my stomach and not want to go out, now i feel a lot more at ease and peaceful. A big part of learning about lightworkers is discovering how much belief they have in angels and spirit guides, something i never really thought about. Now i am aware that people would say how can i believe in angels yet i don’t believe in God? This is something i am trying to understand, i believe we are all energy connected in some way but who is the ‘master’ of all this energy, i do not know.

I am still very new to meditation, spirituality and lightwork but i hope to learn much more. 2014 is all about how i am going to better myself and learn more. I am still going to use this blog for horror and spooky features but i will also intertwine spirituality into it as this is now becoming a big part of my life and i want to share my experiences.


On the 8th of November 2013, me and my skeptic friend Connie went on an investigation at the famous Ancient Ram Inn. We joined paranormal group, Ghostly Goings On, they were extremely professional and a lovely group and am definitely going to go on another investigation with them.

Anyways, i have wanted to visit the Ram since i saw the Ghost Adventures Episode a few years ago, it look genuinely terrifying and Zac, Nick and Aaron seemed petrified. So it was a must see location.

I am very new to paranormal investigations but it has always been something that i have wanted to do, i have gathered some good quality equipment over the past few months from a high quality voice recorder, laser grid and a Spirit box(the one used on Ghost Adventures).

Anyways there was a group of about 20 of us, and then 4 members of the paranormal group so we split off into 4 small groups and went into different rooms. The place is very creepy as it is all in its original condition with low ceilings and creaky floor boards, but it isn’t very big. Trying to do EVPs was difficult as you could hear everyone in the adjacent rooms, but at least we had the entire place to ourselves, unlike my previous investigation which was full of other guests.

We started off down in the main reception room, next to John Humpfries living room and immediately got out an ouija board, me and Connie refused to take part as i don’t really think these are things to be messed with/don’t enjoy doing them. It was relatively quiet for the first 15 minutes, no movement on the board, but there were pockets of extremely cold air in the room.

Eventually the glass on the board started moving, unfortunately the other women around the board were more interested in contacting their deceased relatives than finding out about the spirits on the property. The team member from the paranormal group tried to divert the women back to the reason we were there, the spirits at the ram inn, but they seemed to just want to talk to their mum, brother, sister, dad.

Every first letter of a name was being pre-determined, as it shifted towards the ‘Oh is this Micheal by son?’, then as if my sheer chance, the glass glided over to Yes.

Then a rupture of coos and words of amazement filled the group of women. Apart from Connie, the team member and Me of course. Not saying that their family members wouldn’t have came through, but it would have been more amazing had they mentioned my nan’s name, or Connie’s nan’s name…..since our hands weren’t the ones manipulating the glass.

Anyway, after that the groups alternated to different rooms, we ended up sat on the beds in the Bishops room. I used this opportunity to get out my Spirit Box so see if we could chat to spirits that way, whereas the other women jumped on the Ouija board to try and get Aunt Merryls secret recipe for soup.

The two male team members and i sat around the bed trying to get contact on the Spirit Box, we heard names like ‘Steve’ (which was the team members name) and ‘Meows’ (apparently there is a cat haunting the room).  I was impressed by this voice that came up, it is very quiet as, unlike the guys on Ghost Adventures, i didn’t have a speaker for the device.


Shortly after this me and one of the team leaders saw a ball of light floating my the wall, we tried to debunk it by reflecting a torch on a shiny service but couldn’t recreate it. We were also amazed by the fact that the ball remained circular, where as if it was a reflection it would have deflected or bent as it went passed the beams on the wall.

I wouldn’t say i felt really scared in this room, it was eerie, but not scary. No one got pushed or touched in the Bishops Room.

Next we headed to the Barn Room. We literally just sat and tried to make contact through asking the spirits to knock or bang on walls for us. The team leader Chris then requested we turn off all torches to be in complete darkness. Could have killed him HA. I was petrified in the darkness. With a torch i am OK, but when you can’t see your own hand in front of your face, i could have died.

Shortly after we turned the lights back on, and started to capture this video on my phone…..

So, i was just freaking myself out, rather than capturing anything amazing. The most amazing thing i did capture was this picture of a man walking down the infamous stairs in the Ancient Ram Inn. Mists and shadows have been caught here before, and people have even been pushed down the stairs, here is what i caught. These pictures were taken literally a second apart.

IMG_4419 IMG_4418

Now, people have tried to say ‘Oh it is just camera glare’, i understand what glare is and the picture is taken from exactly the same angle. If my flash had hit a mirror or shiny object, it would have been in both pictures. I personally am pretty damn chuffed with this. Ha.

I would say it was a very good night, but i would like to go back again to see if i get more activity. I would prefer to go back in a smaller group maybe just 5 – 10 this time.

I would love to hear your comments on what you think of the pictures or videos!

Lizzie Borden took an axe

And gave her mother forty whacks.

When she saw what she had done

She gave her father forty-one.

Lizzie Andrew Borden was an American woman, from Massachusetts, who was tried and aquitted in the 1892 Axe murders of her father and stepmother. Andrew and Abby Borden were found slaughtered in their home from Axe wounds, and even though many think Lizzie committed the crime, she was free to live her life in Massachusetts and no one was ever charged with the murders.

The Borden house is now a very popular haunted location and shows such as My Ghost Story and Ghost Adventures have increased interest in the house. The website can tell you more about the house. Some mediums and psychics that have visited the house claim that Lizzie’s father abused her and was the reason that he was killed. No one will ever know what really happened and it is open to much debate. Below are some pictures…..

lizzie borden

Lizzie Borden

lizzies father

Andrew Borden crime scene

lizzies mother

Abby Borden crime scene